with Logarithmic and trigonometric tables and mathematical formulas -- 2nd ed. -- The University of Chicago mathematical series --
by Ernst R.Breslich.   -- University of Chicag -- c1924. -- 20 cm. -- xviii,351,125 p.: ill.,ports.(incl.front.)diagrs.


タイトル Third‐year mathematics for secondary schools
副書名 with Logarithmic and trigonometric tables and mathematical formulas
版情報 2nd ed.
シリーズ名 The University of Chicago mathematical series
著者名等 by Ernst R.Breslich.  
出版 University of Chicag c1924.
大きさ等 20 cm. xviii,351,125 p.: ill.,ports.(incl.front.)diagrs.
分類 410
注記 Subject:Mathematics.
書誌番号 1101025699
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1101025699


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