new and revised ed. --
by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, his private secretary , edited by R.W.Phipps   -- Thomas Y. Crowell -- 〔1889?〕 -- 21 cm. -- viii, 434 p.


タイトル Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte vol.4
版情報 new and revised ed.
著者名等 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne, his private secretary , edited by R.W.Phipps  
出版 Thomas Y. Crowell 〔1889?〕
大きさ等 21 cm. viii, 434 p.
分類 289.3
個人件名 Napoleon Ⅰ Emperor of the French - 1769-1821.
注記 Subjects : Private secretaries - France - Biography.
書誌番号 1101031109


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