the mass emergence of employee ownership in public companies and what it means to American business --
Joseph Raphael Blasi, Douglas Lynn Kruse , with the assistance of Lawrence R. Greenberg ... [et al.]. ,     -- HarperBusiness -- c1991. -- 23 cm. -- xi, 354 p. : ill.


タイトル The new owners
副書名 the mass emergence of employee ownership in public companies and what it means to American business
著者名等 Joseph Raphael Blasi, Douglas Lynn Kruse , with the assistance of Lawrence R. Greenberg ... [et al.]. ,    
出版 HarperBusiness c1991.
大きさ等 23 cm. xi, 354 p. : ill.
分類 366.5
注記 LC:1069373
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0887305091
書誌番号 1101073410


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