economic and geological, report on the mineral resources and mineral industries of the Far Eastern countries: China with Manchuria; Japan with dependencies Korea and Formosa; Russian Far East, Philippines and Indo-China, and general survey of the Far Eastern mining industry on the background of the world’s mineral market --
by Boris P. Torgasheff , prefaced by Wong Wen Hao and P.I. Polevoy.   -- Chali Company -- 1930. -- 24 cm. -- 510 p. : tables, 14 maps (2 fold.)


タイトル The mineral industry of the Far East
副書名 economic and geological, report on the mineral resources and mineral industries of the Far Eastern countries: China with Manchuria; Japan with dependencies Korea and Formosa; Russian Far East, Philippines and Indo-China, and general survey of the Far Eastern mining industry on the background of the world’s mineral market
著者名等 by Boris P. Torgasheff , prefaced by Wong Wen Hao and P.I. Polevoy.  
出版 Chali Company 1930.
大きさ等 24 cm. 510 p. : tables, 14 maps (2 fold.)
分類 560.9223
注記 LC:5940133
書誌番号 1102012091


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