The chronicles of Narnia --
by C.S.Lewis. , illustrated by Pauline Baynes.   -- HarperCollins Childrens Books -- 2001 -- 18 cm. -- 239 p.


タイトル Prince Caspian.
シリーズ名 The chronicles of Narnia
著者名等 by C.S.Lewis. , illustrated by Pauline Baynes.  
出版 HarperCollins Childrens Books 2001
大きさ等 18 cm. 239 p.
分類 933
注記 Subject : Narnia(Imaginary place).
内容 The island. -- The ancient treasure house. -- The dwarf. -- The dwarf tells of Prince Caspian. -- Caspian’s adventure in the mountains. -- The people that lived in hiding. -- Old Narnia in danger. -- How they left the island. -- What Lucy saw. -- The return of the lion. -- The lion roars. -- Sorcery and sudden vengeance. -- The high king in command. -- How all were very busy. -- Aslan makes a door in the air.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0-00-711556-3
書誌番号 1106051307


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