1st Anchor Books ed.(pbk.) --
by Harold S. Kushner.   -- Anchor Books -- 2004.9 -- 21 cm. -- viii, 164 p.


タイトル When bad things happen to good people.
版情報 1st Anchor Books ed.(pbk.)
著者名等 by Harold S. Kushner.  
出版 Anchor Books 2004.9
大きさ等 21 cm. viii, 164 p.
分類 199
注記 Person as subject : Kushner, Harold S.
内容 Why I worte this book -- Why do the righteous suffer -- The story of a man named Job -- Sometimes there is no reason -- No exceptions for nice people -- God leaves us room to be human -- God helps those who stop hurting themselves -- God can’t do everything, but he can do some important things -- What good, then, is religion.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-4000-3472-7   1-4000-3472-
書誌番号 1108036719


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