the quickest way to more sales with less stress -- reissued ed. --
by Spencer Johnson and Larry Wilson. ,     -- William Morrow -- 2002 -- 22 cm. -- 109 p.


タイトル The one minute [s]ales person
副書名 the quickest way to more sales with less stress
版情報 reissued ed.
著者名等 by Spencer Johnson and Larry Wilson. ,    
出版 William Morrow 2002
大きさ等 22 cm. 109 p.
分類 673.3
注記 On titlepage and cover “[s]” appears as a dollar symbol.
内容 Everyone is a sales person -- Selling to others -- Selling to me -- Why it works -- The payoff.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-06-051492-1   0-06-051492-2
書誌番号 1109005424


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