edited by The Public Foundation for Peace and Consolation, Japan.   -- The Public Foundation for Peace and Consolation Japan -- 2008.7 -- 21 cm. -- xviii, 800 p.


タイトル The Japanese internees and forced labor in the USSR after the Second World War.
著者名等 edited by The Public Foundation for Peace and Consolation, Japan.  
出版 The Public Foundation for Peace and Consolation Japan 2008.7
大きさ等 21 cm. xviii, 800 p.
分類 210.75
注記 Includes index.
内容 Invasion by the Soviet forces. by Takashi Nakayama -- Circumstance of the surrender of the Japanese forces. by Takuya Horiguchi -- Negotiations to normalize Soviet-Japanese diplomatic relations. by Motohide Saito -- Repatriation from the internment of a long period. by Takashi Nakayama -- Concentration camps in Siberia. by Gunji Abe -- Labor. by Kenichi Arakawa -- Deaths, diseases and other tragedies. by Koji Hirano -- Beginnings of repatriation of internees. by Tsutomu Ito --
書誌番号 1109019296
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1109019296


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