research highlights. --
[edited by] WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research.   -- To^hoku University -- [2009] -- 30 cm. -- 17 p.


タイトル AIM research 2009
副書名 research highlights.
著者名等 [edited by] WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research.  
出版 To^hoku University [2009]
大きさ等 30 cm. 17 p.
分類 560.5
注記 Subject : Tohoku Daigaku Kinzoku Zairyo^ Kenkyu^jo - Technical reports.
内容 A material world -- Bulk metallic glasses: in the zone -- Atomic structures: titanium coming out on top -- Superconductors: poacher turned gatekeeper -- Biomimetic surface: like water on a rose petal -- Metallic glasses: throwing light on the insides -- Electronic devices: one-way magnetism enhances memory capacity -- Superconductivity graphite on the rise -- Bulk metallic glasses: spiked with silicon -- Electron microscopy: what lies beneath -- Metallic glasses: cluster control --
書誌番号 1110014877


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