the impact of the highly improbable. -- Random House trade pbk.ed. --
Nassim Nicholas Taleb   -- Random House Trade Paperbacks -- c2010 -- 21 cm. -- xxxiii, 444 p.: ill.


タイトル The black swan
副書名 the impact of the highly improbable.
版情報 Random House trade pbk.ed.
著者名等 Nassim Nicholas Taleb  
出版 Random House Trade Paperbacks c2010
大きさ等 21 cm. xxxiii, 444 p.: ill.
分類 304
注記 Originally published in hardcover and in slightly different form by Random House in 2007.
注記 LC Control No.2010292618
内容 Umberto Eco’s antilibrary, or how we seek validation(The apprenticeship of an empirical skeptic -- Yevgenia’s black swan -- The speculator and the prostitute -- One thousand and one days, or how not to be a sucker -- Confirmation shmonfirmation -- The narrative fallacy -- Living in the antechamber of hope -- Giacomo casanova’s unfailing luck: the problem of silent evidence -- The ludic fallacy, of the uncertainty of the nerd) -- We just can’t predict(The scandal of prediction --
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-8129-7381-5   0-8129-7381-
書誌番号 1110058186


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