and,Through the looking-glass and wtat Alice found there. -- The Modern Librey Classics. --
Lewis Carroll , introduction by A.S.Byatt , illustrations by John Tenniel ; notes by Lynne Vallone.   -- Modern librery -- 2002 -- 21 cm. -- xxi, 264 p.; ill.


タイトル Alice’s adventures in Wonderland
副書名 and,Through the looking-glass and wtat Alice found there.
シリーズ名 The Modern Librey Classics.
著者名等 Lewis Carroll , introduction by A.S.Byatt , illustrations by John Tenniel ; notes by Lynne Vallone.  
出版 Modern librery 2002
大きさ等 21 cm. xxi, 264 p.; ill.
分類 933
注記 LC Control No.20022029506
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-375-76138-6   0-375-76138-1
書誌番号 1110061160


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