courage,fidelity,and revenge in the final years of the shogun. --
Romulus Hillsborough   -- Tuttle Pub. -- c2010. -- 21 cm. -- xxxiii,222 p.: ill.


タイトル Samurai tales
副書名 courage,fidelity,and revenge in the final years of the shogun.
著者名等 Romulus Hillsborough  
出版 Tuttle Pub. c2010.
大きさ等 21 cm. xxxiii,222 p.: ill.
分類 210.5
注記 Contents : Dramatis personae -- To cut a foreigner -- A mortal enemy -- Courage -- Fidelity -- Heaven’s revenge -- The remnants of shock -- A truly despicable world -- A soul-encompassing dread -- The code -- The execution grounds -- Cutting test -- A natural and overwhelming desire -- Discipline -- The infinite sky and boundless sea -- Disgrace -- An evilwoman -- Tales of a renaissance samurai -- Anecdotes,yarns and other vignettes --
注記 LC Control No. : 2010008104.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-4-8053-1123-3   4-8053-1123-
書誌番号 1111001922


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