or is it nuts out there?. -- 1st ed. --
Whoopi Goldberg   -- Hyperion -- c2010 -- 22 cm. -- xiv, 200 p.


タイトル Is it just me?
副書名 or is it nuts out there?.
版情報 1st ed.
著者名等 Whoopi Goldberg  
出版 Hyperion c2010
大きさ等 22 cm. xiv, 200 p.
分類 934
注記 Contents : Rude awakening -- Abuse it and lose it -- Politics has gotten ♯$!@%! nasty -- Group insult -- Big blogger -- If you can’t we witty,don’t be shitty -- Then maybe you should stop complaining -- Abuse -- Censorship -- Road rude -- Parking -- No condom? No way -- If you don’t want to hear the answer,don’t ask the question -- A civil person’s handy list : things to tell people who put you on the spot -- Gracious you -- Toenail clipping and common scents --
注記 Summary : The veteran comedian and co-host of “The View” uses her trademark humor to examine the growing disrespect and rudeness in society and discusses how a loss of civility diminishes the quality of life.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-4013-2384-4   1-4013-2384-
書誌番号 1111004759
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1111004759


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