a small-town library cat who touched the world. -- 1st trade ed.〔pbk.〕 --
Vicki Myron with Bret Witter ,     -- Grand Central Pub. -- 2010.10 -- 21 cm. -- vi, 297 p.: ill.


タイトル Dewey
副書名 a small-town library cat who touched the world.
版情報 1st trade ed.〔pbk.〕
著者名等 Vicki Myron with Bret Witter ,    
出版 Grand Central Pub. 2010.10
大きさ等 21 cm. vi, 297 p.: ill.
分類 934.7
注記 Introduction : Welcome to Iowa -- The coldest morning -- A perfect addition -- Dewey Readmore Books -- A day in the library -- Catnip and rubber bands -- Moneta -- Grand Avenue -- A cat’s best friends -- Dewey and Jodi -- A long way from home -- Hide-and-seek -- Christmas -- A great libary -- Dewey’s great escape -- Spencer’s favorite cat -- Iowa’s famous library cat -- Dewey in the modern world -- Puss in books --
注記 LC Control No.2008004498.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-446-40742-7   0446407429
書誌番号 1111008308
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1111008308


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