from fundamentals to a global system applicable to any factory in the world. --
by Keisuke Tsujii   -- Comm Bangkok co. -- 2011.6 -- 26 cm -- 124 p


タイトル Theory and practice of production management
副書名 from fundamentals to a global system applicable to any factory in the world.
著者名等 by Keisuke Tsujii  
出版 Comm Bangkok co. 2011.6
大きさ等 26 cm 124 p
分類 509.6
件名 生産管理
注記 Cover title. 並列タイトル : 生産管理の理論と実践(英語版)
内容 Contents : Business model and factory function. ; Basic information for production. ; Customer order processing and delivery. ; Purchase. ; Inventory. ; Material requirements planning(MRP)
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-616-7434-10-0   616-7434-10-
書誌番号 1111044019


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