happy,colorful,and irresistible ideas and instruction for modern piecework,applique,and quilting --
Suzuko Koseki   -- Creative Pub.International -- 2011 -- 26 cm. -- 128 p.: ill.(some col.)


タイトル Playful patchwork
副書名 happy,colorful,and irresistible ideas and instruction for modern piecework,applique,and quilting
著者名等 Suzuko Koseki  
出版 Creative Pub.International 2011
大きさ等 26 cm. 128 p.: ill.(some col.)
分類 594.9
注記 LC Control No. 2010943121
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-58923-605-9   1-58923-605-X
書誌番号 1111077407
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1111077407


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