a history of the world through Islamic eyes -- 1st ed. 〔pbk.〕 --
Tamim Ansary.   -- PublicAffairs -- 2010 -- 21 cm. -- xxii,390 p. : maps.


タイトル Destiny disrupted
副書名 a history of the world through Islamic eyes
版情報 1st ed. 〔pbk.〕
著者名等 Tamim Ansary.  
出版 PublicAffairs 2010
大きさ等 21 cm. xxii,390 p. : maps.
分類 227
注記 Contents : The middle world -- The hijra -- Birth of the khalifate -- Schism -- Empire of the Umayyads -- The Abassid age -- Scholars,philosophers,and sufis -- Enter the Turks -- Havoc -- Rebirth -- Meanwhile in Europe -- West comes East -- The reform movements -- Industry,constitutions,and nationalism -- Rise of the secular modernists -- The crisis of modernity -- The tide turns.
注記 LC Control No. 2009017698
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-58648-813-0   1-58648-813-
書誌番号 1111092826
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1111092826


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