the history,people,commerce,industries and resources of Japan and Japan’s colonial empire,Kwantung,Chosen,Taiwan,Karafuto --
Edition Synapse -- 2008 -- 31 cm. -- p. 511-931, 4 leaves of plates (1 folded). : col. ill., ill.


タイトル Present-day impressions of Japan Volume 2
副書名 the history,people,commerce,industries and resources of Japan and Japan’s colonial empire,Kwantung,Chosen,Taiwan,Karafuto
出版 Edition Synapse 2008
大きさ等 31 cm. p. 511-931, 4 leaves of plates (1 folded). : col. ill., ill.
分類 302.1
注記 Reprint. Originally published by The Globe Encyclopedia,London & Chicago,1919
内容 Contents : 〔大阪〕The city of Osaka -- 〔銀行・金融・保険業(大阪、神戸〕Banking,finance and insurance(Osaka and Kobe section) -- 〔労働条件〕Labour condition -- 〔特許〕The patent system(by Morio Nakamatsu,ex-director of the imperial Japanese patent office) -- 〔製造業〕Manufacturing Industries -- 〔神戸〕The City of Kobe -- 〔輸出入(神戸・大阪)〕Imports and exports(Kobe and Osaka section) -- 〔スポーツと娯楽〕Sports and recreation in Japan -- 〔新聞と雑誌〕Press and periodical literature -- 〔海運業(大阪・神戸)〕Shipping(Osaka and Kobe section) --
書誌番号 1112005247


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