the power of thinking without thinking. -- 1st Back Bay trade pbk.ed. --
Malcolm Gladwell.   -- Little, Brown and Company -- 2007.4 -- 21 cm. -- xii, 296, 15, 11 p.: port.


タイトル Blink.
副書名 the power of thinking without thinking.
版情報 1st Back Bay trade pbk.ed.
著者名等 Malcolm Gladwell.  
出版 Little, Brown and Company 2007.4
大きさ等 21 cm. xii, 296, 15, 11 p.: port.
分類 145.1
注記 LCNo.2004013916
内容 The statue that didn’t look right -- The theory of thin slices: how a little bit of knowledge goes a long way -- The locked door: the secret life of snap decisions -- The Warren Harding error: why we fall for tall, dark, and handsome men -- Paul Van Riper’s big victory: creating structure for spontaneity -- Kenna’s dilemma: the right-and wrong-way to ask people what they want -- Seven seconds in the Bronx: the delicate art of mind reading
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-316-01066-5   0-316-01066-
書誌番号 1112073337


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