deciphering the symbols of a prehistoric people --
by James R. Cunkle.   -- Golden West Publishers -- c1993 -- 28 cm. -- 174 p.: ill. (some col.), map.


タイトル Talking pots
副書名 deciphering the symbols of a prehistoric people a study of the prehistoric pottery icons of the White Mountains of Arizona
著者名等 by James R. Cunkle.  
出版 Golden West Publishers c1993
大きさ等 28 cm. 174 p.: ill. (some col.), map.
分類 382.5
注記 LC Control No. 93009843
内容 Includes bibliogprahical references (p.162-165) and index.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-914846-81-9   0-914846-81-7
書誌番号 1113362376


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