the informed consumer’s guide through the maze of in vitro fertilization & other assisted reproduction techniques -- 2nd ed. --
Arthur L. Wisot M.D., Facog. , David R. Meldrum M.D., Facog.   -- Hartley & Marks Publishers -- c2004 -- 24 cm. -- viii,360 p.: ill.


タイトル Conceptions & misconceptions
副書名 the informed consumer’s guide through the maze of in vitro fertilization & other assisted reproduction techniques
版情報 2nd ed.
著者名等 Arthur L. Wisot M.D., Facog. , David R. Meldrum M.D., Facog.  
出版 Hartley & Marks Publishers c2004
大きさ等 24 cm. viii,360 p.: ill.
分類 495.48
注記 Includes bibliographical references (p.281-323) and index.
注記 LC Control No. 2003067758
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-88179-203-4   0-88179-203-9
書誌番号 1113440538


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