why changing the way we think is critical to solving the environmental crisis -- 〔pbk.〕 --
Elin Kelsey.   -- David Suzuki Institute -- c2020 -- 22 cm. -- 229 p.


タイトル Hope matters
副書名 why changing the way we think is critical to solving the environmental crisis
版情報 〔pbk.〕
著者名等 Elin Kelsey.  
出版 David Suzuki Institute c2020
大きさ等 22 cm. 229 p.
分類 519.8
注記 Includes bibliographical endnotes and index.
注記 LC Control No. 2020438676
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-1-77164-777-9   1771647779
書誌番号 1113950931
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1113950931


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