
タイトル The best American science and nature writing 2022
版情報 1st ed. 〔pbk.〕
シリーズ名 The best American series
著者名等 edited and with an introduction by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. , Jaime Green, series editor.  
出版 Mariner Books c2022
大きさ等 21 cm. xx, 308 p.
分類 404
注記 Subject : Science -- Popular works -- Periodicals.
内容 Contents : The body’s most embarrassing organ is an evolutionary marvel / Katherine J. Wu. -- What slime knows / Lacy M. Johnson -- Too big for the universe / Arianna S. Long -- Heads up! The cardiovascular secrets of giraffes / Bob Holmes -- How far does wildlife roam? Ask the “Internet of animals” / Sonia Shah -- Our summer from hell / Jeff Goodell -- How rising groundwater caused by climate change could devastate coastal communities / Kendra Pierre-Louis -- How we drained california dry / Mark Arax -- The climate solution actually / Lisa Song and James Temple -- In the oceans, the volume is rising as never before / Sabrina Imbler -- The nature of plastics / Meera Subramanian --
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-358-61529-3   0358615291
書誌番号 1122082470
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1122082470


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