proceedings of the International Symposium on Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, October 8-10,1982, Nara, Japan -- Japan Medical Research Foundation, publication, --
Edited by Tsuneo Shiratori 〔and〕 Hiroshige Nakano. ,   ,     -- University of Tokyo -- c1984. -- 24 cm. -- xiii, 457 p. : ill.


タイトル Inflammatory bowel disease
副書名 proceedings of the International Symposium on Etiopathogenesis and Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, October 8-10,1982, Nara, Japan
シリーズ名 Japan Medical Research Foundation, publication,
著者名等 Edited by Tsuneo Shiratori 〔and〕 Hiroshige Nakano. ,   ,    
出版 University of Tokyo c1984.
大きさ等 24 cm. xiii, 457 p. : ill.
分類 491.64
注記 LCNo.85129558.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4-13-068105-2
書誌番号 1190226483


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