games, place settings, puppets and planes, push and pull animals -- 1st ed. --
Kazuo Kobayashi, Makoto Yamaguchi ; 〔photographs by Yasuhide Machigashira ; pastel and crayon illustrations by Eiko Ikeda ; translation by Shinji and Nicole /Nakamura〕.,   ,   ,     -- Kodansha Internation -- 1987. -- 26 cm. -- 48 p. : ill. (some col.)


タイトル Origami for parties
副書名 games, place settings, puppets and planes, push and pull animals
版情報 1st ed.
著者名等 Kazuo Kobayashi, Makoto Yamaguchi ; 〔photographs by Yasuhide Machigashira ; pastel and crayon illustrations by Eiko Ikeda ; translation by Shinji and Nicole /Nakamura〕.,   ,   ,    
出版 Kodansha Internation 1987.
大きさ等 26 cm. 48 p. : ill. (some col.)
分類 754.9
注記 ”Folding paper included”--Cover.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4-7700-1297-7
書誌番号 1190263411


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