The member of the wedding.The ballad of the sad cafe --
edited by Iwao Iwamoto in association with Kichinosuke Ohashi. ,     -- Rinsen Book -- 1990 -- 22 cm. -- 744 p.


タイトル Postwar American fiction, 1945-1965. 2nd series v.2
各巻タイトル The member of the wedding.The ballad of the sad cafe
著者名等 edited by Iwao Iwamoto in association with Kichinosuke Ohashi. ,    
出版 Rinsen Book 1990
大きさ等 22 cm. 744 p.
分類 938
注記 Reprint. Originally published : Boston : H.Mifflin, 1946 and 1951.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4653021295
書誌番号 1190584754


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
The member of the wedding Carson McCullers
The ballad of the sad cafe. Carson McCullers