best new gay fiction --
edited and with an introduction by George Stambolian   -- Penguin Group. -- c1990. -- 21 cm. -- 375 p.


タイトル Men on men 3
副書名 best new gay fiction
著者名等 edited and with an introduction by George Stambolian  
出版 Penguin Group. c1990.
大きさ等 21 cm. 375 p.
分類 933
注記 LCNo.90214654.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0452265142
書誌番号 1193075036


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Halfway home. Paul Monette
Myths. William Haywood Henderson
Blond dog. Robert Haule
Great lengths. Joe Keenan
Meeting Imelda Marcos. Christopher Bram
Enrollment. Philip Gambone
A happy automaton. Bruce Benderson
In my father’s car. George Stambolian
Popular mechanics. Craig Lee
When Marquita gets home. Bil Wright
English as a second language. Bernard Cooper
Journey. Martin Palmer
Twilight of the gods. Matias Viegener
Willie. Michael Lassell
My face in a mirror. Alex Jeffers
Big sky. Noel Ryan
The ride home. Peter Cashorali
Why I do it. Felice Picano
Lights in the valley. Andrew Holleran
Skinned alive. Edmund White