Swann’s way. Within a budding grove. -- Penguin Books -- Penguin twentieth-century classics
Marcel Proust ; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin   -- Penguin Group. -- 1989. -- 20 cm. -- xii, 1040 p.


タイトル Remembrance of things past Volume 1
各巻タイトル Swann’s way. Within a budding grove.
シリーズ名 Penguin Books Penguin twentieth-century classics
著者名等 Marcel Proust ; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin  
出版 Penguin Group. 1989.
大きさ等 20 cm. xii, 1040 p.
分類 953
注記 Translation of : A la recherche du temps perdu.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140182225
書誌番号 1193078456
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1193078456


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