being a clear explanation of the mathematical formulae found in Prof. Thompson’s Dynamo-electric machinery and Polyphase electric currents --
by Edwin J. Houston, Ph. D., and Arthur E. Kennelly, Sc. D. ,     -- American technical b -- 1898. -- 19 cm. -- v, 101 p.:diagrs.


タイトル Algebra made easy
副書名 being a clear explanation of the mathematical formulae found in Prof. Thompson’s Dynamo-electric machinery and Polyphase electric currents
著者名等 by Edwin J. Houston, Ph. D., and Arthur E. Kennelly, Sc. D. ,    
出版 American technical b 1898.
大きさ等 19 cm. v, 101 p.:diagrs.
分類 411
注記 OCLC:00260590
書誌番号 1194006362


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