1st Tuttle ed. -- Tut books L --
by Kafu Nagai , translated by Edward Seidensticker.   -- C.E. Tuttle -- [1972] -- 19 cm. -- 172 p.


タイトル A strange tale from East of the River and other stories.
版情報 1st Tuttle ed.
シリーズ名 Tut books L
著者名等 by Kafu Nagai , translated by Edward Seidensticker.  
出版 C.E. Tuttle [1972]
大きさ等 19 cm. 172 p.
分類 913.6
注記 OCLC:00539173
内容 The River Sumida--The peony garden--Coming down with a cold.--Tidings from Okubo: excerpts.--Rivalry: from chapter 12.--Quiet rain.--A strange tale from east of the River.--The decoration.--The dancing girl: chapter 10.--The Scavengers.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4805302666
書誌番号 1194006610
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194006610


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