history, language, literature, biography, geography, travel, art, government, politics, industry, invention, commerce, science, education, natural history, statistics and miscellany --
a practical handbook of ready reference based upon everyday needs, originally prepared and subsequently ree¨dited, extensively rev., enl. and improved by competent specialists exclusively under the supervision of the Frontier Press Company. ,     -- [s.n.] -- 1919. -- 25 cm. -- 182, 182a-182n, [183]-908 p.:incl. plates, ports., tables. plates, ports.


タイトル The standard dictionary of facts
副書名 history, language, literature, biography, geography, travel, art, government, politics, industry, invention, commerce, science, education, natural history, statistics and miscellany
著者名等 a practical handbook of ready reference based upon everyday needs, originally prepared and subsequently ree¨dited, extensively rev., enl. and improved by competent specialists exclusively under the supervision of the Frontier Press Company. ,    
出版 [s.n.] 1919.
大きさ等 25 cm. 182, 182a-182n, [183]-908 p.:incl. plates, ports., tables. plates, ports.
分類 033
注記 OCLC:00920053
書誌番号 1194006842
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194006842


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