the true story of a Japanese who risked his life to provide comfort for his enemies. -- [1st ed.] --
Postscript by Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke.   -- Dutton -- 1966. -- 22 cm. -- ix, 161 p.: port.


タイトル Small man of Nanataki
副書名 the true story of a Japanese who risked his life to provide comfort for his enemies.
版情報 [1st ed.]
著者名等 Postscript by Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clarke.  
出版 Dutton 1966.
大きさ等 22 cm. ix, 161 p.: port.
分類 289.1
個人件名 Watanabe Kiyoshi.
注記 OCLC:01349808
書誌番号 1194007039


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