by David Belasco; edited by Louis V. Defoe, illustrated from photographs. ,     -- Harper & Brothers -- 1919. -- 21 cm. -- 8 p.l., 245, [1] p.:front., plates, ports.


タイトル The theatre through its stage door
著者名等 by David Belasco; edited by Louis V. Defoe, illustrated from photographs. ,    
出版 Harper & Brothers 1919.
大きさ等 21 cm. 8 p.l., 245, [1] p.:front., plates, ports.
分類 770.4
注記 OCLC:01477069
内容 The theatre through its stage door.--The evolution of a play.--Developing the best in the actor.--The problem of the child actor.--Important aids to the actor’s art.--The drama’s flickering bogy--the movies.--Holding the mirror up to nature.
書誌番号 1194007090


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