a compendium of the history, chemistry, manufacture, commercial application and analysis of nitrates, acetates and xanthates of cellulose as applied to the peaceful arts, with a chapter on gun cotton, smokeless powder and explosive cellulose nitrates --
by Edward Chauncey Worden ...  324 illustrations.   -- D. Van Nostrand -- c1911. -- 24 cm. -- p.567-1239 : 3 port. (incl. fronts.) illus.


タイトル Nitrocellulose industry 2
副書名 a compendium of the history, chemistry, manufacture, commercial application and analysis of nitrates, acetates and xanthates of cellulose as applied to the peaceful arts, with a chapter on gun cotton, smokeless powder and explosive cellulose nitrates
著者名等 by Edward Chauncey Worden ...  324 illustrations.  
出版 D. Van Nostrand c1911.
大きさ等 24 cm. p.567-1239 : 3 port. (incl. fronts.) illus.
分類 578.53
注記 OCLC:01702794-2
書誌番号 1194007143
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194007143


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