the burdens of history --
edited by Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M. Fox. ,     -- University of Califo -- c1988. -- 24 cm. -- ix, 362 p.:ill.


タイトル AIDS
副書名 the burdens of history
著者名等 edited by Elizabeth Fee and Daniel M. Fox. ,    
出版 University of Califo c1988.
大きさ等 24 cm. ix, 362 p.:ill.
分類 369.9
注記 OCLC:18190914
内容 Introduction : AIDS, public policy, and historical inquiry / Elizabeth Fee and Danial M. Fox -- Disease and social order in America : perceptions and expectations / Chalres E. Rosenberg -- Epidemics and history : ecological perspectives and social responses / Guenter B. Risse -- Quaratine and the problem of AIDS / David F. Musto -- The politics of physici
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0520063953
書誌番号 1194010795


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