by Margery L. Oldfield.   -- Sinauer Associates -- c1989. -- 24 cm. -- xvii, 379 p.: ill.


タイトル The value of conserving genetic resources
著者名等 by Margery L. Oldfield.  
出版 Sinauer Associates c1989.
大きさ等 24 cm. xvii, 379 p.: ill.
分類 613.3
注記 OCLC:19269823
内容 Gene resource conservation: a socioeconomic necessity -- Plant resources and food production -- Animal resources and food production -- Medicinal plant and animal resources -- Tree resources -- Natural rubber -- Natural sources of industrial oils and waxes -- Wild biota and other economic activities -- Economics and extinction -- Conclusions: effecting global conservation.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-87893-648-9   0-87893-648-3
書誌番号 1194011173


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