a tool for problem solving in engineering, physical, biological, and social sciences -- 1st ed. -- International series in modern applied mathematics and computer science --
D.N.P. Murthy and N.W. Page and E.Y. Rodin. ,   ,     -- Pergamon Press -- 1990. -- 24 cm. -- xvi, 339 p.:ill.


タイトル Mathematical modelling
副書名 a tool for problem solving in engineering, physical, biological, and social sciences
版情報 1st ed.
シリーズ名 International series in modern applied mathematics and computer science
著者名等 D.N.P. Murthy and N.W. Page and E.Y. Rodin. ,   ,    
出版 Pergamon Press 1990.
大きさ等 24 cm. xvi, 339 p.:ill.
分類 421.5
注記 OCLC:20098625
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0080372449
書誌番号 1194011435
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194011435


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