Soil degradation. --
edited by R. Lal and B.A. Stewart. ,     -- Springer-Verlag -- c1990. -- 24 cm. -- xvii, 345 p.: ill.


タイトル Advances in soil science. 11
各巻タイトル Soil degradation.
著者名等 edited by R. Lal and B.A. Stewart. ,    
出版 Springer-Verlag c1990.
大きさ等 24 cm. xvii, 345 p.: ill.
分類 613.5
注記 OCLC:22188094
内容 Soil compaction in agriculture: a view toward managing the problem -- Hardsetting soils: behavior, occurrence and management -- Role of plinthite and related forms in soil degradation -- Soil erosion and land degradation: the global risks -- Soil wetness and anaerobiosis -- Chemical degradation of soil -- Salt-affected soils: their reclamations and management for crop production -- Biological degradation of soil -- Need for action: research and development priorities.
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-387-97126-1   0-387-97126-2
書誌番号 1194012289


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