twenty-one stories from the Japanese. -- 1st Tuttle ed. --
translated by Lane Dunlop.   -- C.E. Tuttle -- 1988, c1986. -- 19 cm. -- ix, 178 p.


タイトル A Late chrysanthemum
副書名 twenty-one stories from the Japanese.
版情報 1st Tuttle ed.
著者名等 translated by Lane Dunlop.  
出版 C.E. Tuttle 1988, c1986.
大きさ等 19 cm. ix, 178 p.
分類 913.68
注記 OCLC:26124670
内容 Infatuation. A gray moon. At Kinosaki. The razor / Shiga Naoya -- The wagtail’s nest. River deer / Ozaki Shiro -- The grasshopper and the bell cricket. The silverberry thief. The young lady of Suruga / Yasunari Kawabata -- The red frog. The centipede. The black cat. The wasps / Shimaki Kensaku -- A late chrysanthemum / Hayashi Fumiko -- Memories. A golden
ISBN(13)、ISBN 978-0-80481578-9   080481578X
書誌番号 1194013861


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
Infatuation. Shiga Naoya
A gray moon. Shiga Naoya
At Kinosaki. Shiga Naoya
The razor Shiga Naoya
The wagtail’s nest. Ozaki Shiro
River deer Ozaki Shiro
The grasshopper and the bell cricke Kawabata Yasunari.
The silverberry thief Kawabata Yasunari.
The young lady of Suruga Kawabata Yasunari.
The red frog. Shimaki Kensaku
The centipede. Shimaki Kensaku
The black cat. Shimaki Kensaku
The wasps Shimaki Kensaku
A late chrysanthemum Hayashi Fumiko.
Memories. Dazai Osamu.
A golden picture Dazai Osamu.