twenty-one uncollected stories -- Penguin Books -- Penguin twentieth-century classics
by F.Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald , selected by Scottie Fitzgerald Smith and Matthew J.Bruccoli with a foreword by Scottie Fitzgerals Smith. ,   ,     -- Penguin Group. -- 1976 -- 20 cm. -- 346 p.


タイトル Bits of paradise
副書名 twenty-one uncollected stories
シリーズ名 Penguin Books Penguin twentieth-century classics
著者名等 by F.Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald , selected by Scottie Fitzgerald Smith and Matthew J.Bruccoli with a foreword by Scottie Fitzgerals Smith. ,   ,    
出版 Penguin Group. 1976
大きさ等 20 cm. 346 p.
分類 933
注記 Subject : Short sotries, American.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0140180648
書誌番号 1194022829


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タイトル 著者名 ページ
The popular girl. F.Scott Fitzgerald
Love in the night. F.Scott Fitzgerald
Our own movie queen. F.Scott Fitzgerald.
A penny spent. F.Scott Fitzgerald
The dance. F.Scott Fitzgerald
Jacob’s ladder. F.Scott Fitzgerald
The swimmers. F.Scott Fitzgerald
The original follies girl. Zelda Fitzgerald
The southern girl. Zelda Fitzgerald
The girl the prince liked. Zelda Fitzgerald
The girl with talent. Zelda Fitzgerald
A millionaire’s girl. Zelda Fitzgerald
Poor working girl. Zelda Fitzgerald
The hotel child. F.Scott Fitzgerald
A new leaf. F.Scott Fitzgerald
Miss Ella. Zelda Fitzgerald
The continental angle. Zelda Fitzgerald
A couple of nuts. Zelda Fitzgerald
What a handsome pair! F.Scott Fitzgerald
Last kiss. F.Scott Fitzgerald
Dearly beloved. F.Scott Fitzgerald