Perspectives in chemical engineering. --
Editor-in-chief : James Wei.   -- Academic Press -- c1991. -- 24 cm. -- xv, 606 p.


タイトル Advances in chemical engineering.
各巻タイトル Perspectives in chemical engineering.
著者名等 Editor-in-chief : James Wei.  
出版 Academic Press c1991.
大きさ等 24 cm. xv, 606 p.
分類 570.8
注記 LCNo.56006600(serial)
内容 Historical perspective and overview -- Fluid mechanics and transport -- Thermodynamics -- Kinetics, Catalysis, and reactor engineering -- Environmental protection and energy -- polymers -- Microelectronic and optical materials -- Bioengineering -- Process engineering -- The identity of our profession.
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0-12-008516-X
書誌番号 1194023054


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