homological algebra of trivial extensions of Abelian categories with applications to ring theory -- Lecture notes in mathematics --
Robert M. Fossum, Phillip A. Griffith, Idun Reiten. ,   ,     -- Springer-Verlag -- 1975. -- 00 cm. -- xi, 122 p.


タイトル Trivial extensions of Abelian categories
副書名 homological algebra of trivial extensions of Abelian categories with applications to ring theory
シリーズ名 Lecture notes in mathematics
著者名等 Robert M. Fossum, Phillip A. Griffith, Idun Reiten. ,   ,    
出版 Springer-Verlag 1975.
大きさ等 00 cm. xi, 122 p.
分類 411.64
注記 LCNo.75012984
ISBN(13)、ISBN    3540075198
書誌番号 1194023606


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