a cumulated index to more than 131,000 review of approximately 73,500 titles. --
Barbara Beach and Beverly Baer, editors , Neil E. Walker, associate editor. ,     -- Gale Research -- 1981. -- 00 cm. -- 1 v.


タイトル Book review index 1980 cumulation
副書名 a cumulated index to more than 131,000 review of approximately 73,500 titles.
著者名等 Barbara Beach and Beverly Baer, editors , Neil E. Walker, associate editor. ,    
出版 Gale Research 1981.
大きさ等 00 cm. 1 v.
分類 019.059
ISBN(13)、ISBN    0810305712
書誌番号 1194023877
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194023877


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