being an elementary treatise of the principles of thorough bass, with an explanation of the system of notation; and designed as a text-book for the use of seminaries and schools, as well as forrprivate instruction --
by J.C.D. Parker.   -- S.T. Gordon -- [19--]. -- 00 cm. -- 1 v.


タイトル Manual of harmony
副書名 being an elementary treatise of the principles of thorough bass, with an explanation of the system of notation; and designed as a text-book for the use of seminaries and schools, as well as forrprivate instruction
著者名等 by J.C.D. Parker.  
出版 S.T. Gordon [19--].
大きさ等 00 cm. 1 v.
分類 761.5
書誌番号 1194024575


所蔵は 1 件です。現在の予約件数は 0 件です。

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