Genera poliaspis, ishnaspis and parlatoria. -- Imperial Plant Quarantine Service technical bulletin --
by Inokichi Kuwana. ,     -- [Department of Finan -- 1925. -- 26 cm. -- 1 v.:plates, tables


タイトル The diaspine coccidae of Japan. 1
各巻タイトル Genera poliaspis, ishnaspis and parlatoria.
シリーズ名 Imperial Plant Quarantine Service technical bulletin
著者名等 by Inokichi Kuwana. ,    
出版 [Department of Finan 1925.
大きさ等 26 cm. 1 v.:plates, tables
分類 486
注記 At head of title: Department of Finance, Japan, Imperial Plant Quarantine Service, Revnue Bureau.
書誌番号 1194024665


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