Western side of South Atlantic Ocean and east Pacific ocean : eastern coast of South America south of Cape Orange; west coasts of South and North America, and east Pacific islands. --
Hydrographic Department, Admiralty -- 1921 -- 25 cm. -- xiii, 266 p.


タイトル The Admiralty list of lights, time signals, wireless direction finding stations and wireless meteorological signals. 7
各巻タイトル Western side of South Atlantic Ocean and east Pacific ocean : eastern coast of South America south of Cape Orange; west coasts of South and North America, and east Pacific islands.
出版 Hydrographic Department, Admiralty 1921
大きさ等 25 cm. xiii, 266 p.
分類 557
注記 At head of title : Supplied for the public service.
書誌番号 1194024764
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194024764


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