proceedings of a workshop held at the Brace Research Institute, Montre´al, Que., Canada, 15-17 August 1988 -- Manuscript reports (International Development Research Centre (Canada)) -- [Manuscript reports]
edited by T.A. Lawand ... [et al.] , cosponsored by Brace Research Institute , the International Development Research Centre , and the United Nations University.   -- IDRC Canada -- 1988. -- 28 cm. -- 239 p.:ill.


タイトル Solar water disinfection
副書名 proceedings of a workshop held at the Brace Research Institute, Montre´al, Que., Canada, 15-17 August 1988
シリーズ名 Manuscript reports (International Development Research Centre (Canada)) [Manuscript reports]
著者名等 edited by T.A. Lawand ... [et al.] , cosponsored by Brace Research Institute , the International Development Research Centre , and the United Nations University.  
出版 IDRC Canada 1988.
大きさ等 28 cm. 239 p.:ill.
分類 518.15
注記 OCLC:21902037
書誌番号 1194039106


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