an account, geographical and historical, from the earliest period at which the islands composing this empire were known to Europeans, down to the present time, and the expedition fitted out in the United States, etc. --
by Charles MacFarlane.   -- G. Routledge & Co. -- 1852. -- 21 cm. -- xviii p., 1 l., 435 p.:illus. fold. map


タイトル Japan
副書名 an account, geographical and historical, from the earliest period at which the islands composing this empire were known to Europeans, down to the present time, and the expedition fitted out in the United States, etc.
著者名等 by Charles MacFarlane.  
出版 G. Routledge & Co. 1852.
大きさ等 21 cm. xviii p., 1 l., 435 p.:illus. fold. map
分類 210
注記 OCLC:04299380
書誌番号 1194040743


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