Kodansha English library -- 講談社英語文庫
by Raymond Carver.   -- Kodansha Internation -- 1994.07 -- 15cm -- 196p


タイトル What we talk about when we talk about love.
シリーズ名 Kodansha English library 講談社英語文庫
著者名等 by Raymond Carver.  
出版 Kodansha Internation 1994.07
大きさ等 15cm 196p
分類 933
注記 日本語の書名:愛について語るときに我々の語ること
内容 Contents:Why don’t you dance?/Viewfinder/Mr.Coffee and Mr.Fixit/Gazebo/Sacks/The bath/Tell the women we’re going/So much water so close to home/The third thing that killed my father off/A serious talk/The calm/Everything stuck to him/What we talk about when we talk about love/One more thing/Notes
ISBN(13)、ISBN    4-06-186108-5
書誌番号 1194054554
URL https://opac.lib.city.yokohama.lg.jp/winj/opac/switch-detail.do?bibid=1194054554


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