Annex B with amendments thereto up to 1 January 1990. --
Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee.   -- United Nations. -- 1990. -- 30 cm. -- vi, 230 p.


タイトル European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and protocol of signature, done at Geneva on 30 September 1957 2
各巻タイトル Annex B with amendments thereto up to 1 January 1990.
著者名等 Economic Commission for Europe, Inland Transport Committee.  
出版 United Nations. 1990.
大きさ等 30 cm. vi, 230 p.
分類 682.3
注記 OCLC:21907048-2
ISBN(13)、ISBN    9211390311
書誌番号 1194078966


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